June 9, 2014

Baby Kicks, a Preggo "W", and Approaching 7 Months

3 more days until I'm officially 3rd trimester! Whohoooo! I finally feel like I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so ready to meet Savannah that I can hardly stand it! A few things I already know about her (or think I know)…

Bassed on her kicks and movements, she does NOT like warm stuff. We read in a magazine that once babies get into their 6th-7th month you can play games with their kicks/movements. The magazine suggested that when you feel the baby kick in a certain spot, to poke back and see if they will poke again in that spot. Well, Savannah doesn't like it! If she kicks a certain spot, or if I can feel her butt/head/something hard in a spot of my belly and we poke, she moves away as fast as she can. Hahaha! Also, If I put my belly directly under warm shower water, she immediately moves to one side. We also tried playing her different types of music one night to see what she may or may not like, but it didn't really change much. Funny though is when we were at the Hangout Music Festival, she kicked like CRAZY when the music got really loud. Same thing happened two weeks ago at the Foreigner/ Styx concert.

She's a total night owl. I sometimes get worried in the morning b/c I don't feel her much, but come the afternoon, she is moving and kicking up a storm. Sometimes so much that it keeps me from falling asleep at night. It will be interesting to see if she continues this once she's born. Hubby is a total night owl, while I am very much a morning person.

We haven't done much to Savannah's room. I went to a kids' consignment sale a few weeks ago and bought a few "key" items, such as a pack-n-play and swing. There is another sale later this week, and I'm hoping to find a few more items. Hubby and I installed a closet organizer yesterday, and he's working on printing the border for her room. (He can design and print it himself at work.) My mom is coming in two weeks, and I'm hoping to buy a few more decorating items to get the room mostly finished. It's a huge worry of mine that I'll had her early and we won't be ready!

And the running… I'm still going, but MUCH slower now that it's Africa jungle hot and humid out there. I'm being very cautious- keeping my heart rate safe and carrying water on every run. I've slowed down into the low 9s for most runs, plus a bathroom stop every two miles, and I'm doing about 40 miles a week. What's funny is that I won a little 5K the weekend before last. Here's a mini-report about that…

Bryant High School Hurricane Run 5K
Our Texas friend, Jon, was visiting for the weekend and had signed up for a small somewhat local 5k. I hadn't planning on racing any more during pregnancy due to trying to save money. Although Savannah hadn't done a 5K (and had done 8K, half marathon, marathon, and 37 miler), I kind of wanted to do the race just so say I had. The race was very small, less than a hundred people. I started off toward the middle of the pack and surprisingly found myself as 3rd female. The course was kind of hilly for the Gulf Coast; so I started off very conservatively. I didn't even start my watch, and they didn't have mile marker clocks; so I had no idea what pace I was running. I chatted a little bit with a man for the first mile, but I could tell he was struggling to keep his breath, and figured I was probably annoying him by engaging in conversation. It was important for me to talk to people, because this meant that my heart rate was in a safe place. After the first mile, I caught up to a couple that coaches another nearby high school XC team. (The wife was in 2nd female.) I chatted with them for a minute, but once we hit another hill, they slowed WAY down and I kept trudging along. I could see first female up ahead and kind was felt like I was in a dilemma. I really didn't WANT to win this race. It seemed stupid. I mean, I was running ridiculously SLOW and I was 6 months pregnant. And honestly, running while pregnant is pretty controversial around here. (Backwoods rednecks) But then again, it also seemed stupid just to LET someone else win just because. So… summary, first female started walking on the 2nd to last hill and I just ran past her. I knew I had a mile left and had been running SO conservatively that I did pick it up to the finish. However, I still kept heart rate safe and never got too carried away. I half expected the lady to track me down and pass me back, but she never did. I passed three guys in the last half mile that did a double-take when I passed. One asked how far along I was and then said, "Oh my god, I suck!" Hahah, that was kind of funny. And just like that, Savannah (carried by me) won her 5K. 

What else am I doing with my summer? I'm taking a *GAG* online class to get my 30 hours of professional development. And I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea. The class is the most boring time-suck of all time. I truly hate it. I did it b/c I didn't want to go to workshops. I wanted to do my own thing and NOT wear maternity clothes. LOL. I'm really rethinking my decision now.

Monday we start XC! I'm so excited. I've been doing lots of reading on periodization. I think that's the biggest weakness in my coaching at the moment. Coach gave me some assigned reading, and I've been doing my homework. I was really nervous about my team b/c we lost a LOT of seniors, and one of my top guys is not returning this year, thanks to him joining the football team. So… the kids and I did a little recruiting. When we had our pre-season meeting, a decent number of newbies showed up and seemed enthusiastic. I'm hoping they have followed their pre-season training plan, and even more hoping that they love XC. Coach Y (from a neighboring school) and I have planned a county-wide XC camp. I'm super excited about it. Our state mandates a "dead" week for all fall sports. It's right before school starts. We are doing the camp the week before that, which will be nice transition from summer training to school-year training/racing. I have good memories of XC camp as teen, and it's something I really want for my athletes. They would never be able to afford to travel anywhere; so a "home" camp will be fun! We're lucky enough to live close to the beach, and if we have a few teams there we can do a lot of fun games and activities! I'm excited.

WINGS is going well. We have 43 kids, with about 35 competing. Our first of three meets is Saturday in Tallahassee. I've organized some parents to help with set-up, since carrying tents and coolers is not really a good idea when you are carrying a baby in your belly. I'm the only coach; so I'm a little nervous something will go wrong. In years past, we've had double the kids, but also another coach. It's already been decided that I will NOT go to the Jr. Olympics this year. I will be 34 weeks pregnant, and they are being held in Idaho or somewhere random like that.

And that's the update from the sweltering Gulf Coast! Run Happy, friends!


  1. You are so funny! I can'r believe you won that race. I get your dilemma, though. But in the end. it's such a great story to tell your daughter, isn't it?
    Keep on being a cool mom :)

  2. I love it, what does a guy think having a lady beating him, and then she's 6 months pregnant!!!

    keep running, I have a friend who went for a morning run (9 months pregnant) when it all started and she had the baby on the lawn outside her house, mad I tell you!!!

  3. "Savannah" won her first 5k!" Precious.

    Keep changing the way people down there see motherhood! Love you!!

  4. I love how you are finding out things about your daughter before she is born.

    Good luck with the class. Yikes! It sounds horrible. That reminds me that I need to check on my hours too.

  5. Haha!! It would be kind of funny getting passed by a pregnant lady. :D You definitely earned the win, even if you didn't "really" want it.
    Sounds like professional development sucks in every state! I know it's a hassle in Oregon... I can understand not wanting to take the class. Maybe it will go by quickly!
    The camps sound like such a great opportunity for the kids there. A reason to stay in shape and a chance to get a head start on the base building. Have fun!

  6. It sounds like things couldn't be any better for you! That's so great that you are already "playing" with your little one before she is born. You are going to be a wonderful mamma. And congrats on the race. So impressive!
